I’m glad you’re here!

Let’s talk about menopause.

  • Menopause is a natural transition, a rite of passage that every woman goes through. it's time for women to take control of their health.

  • every woman's experience with menopause is unique.

  • healthy lifestyle choices can make a big impact on managing menopausal symptoms.

  • let's talk about menopause!

Menopause is not a disease; it’s a transition. it’s time we change the conversation around it.

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?! The hot flashes, weight gain, brain fog, anxiety and mood swings that have hijacked your body are all normal symptoms of hormonal shifts in women during perimenopause and menopause. Knowing how to manage all of these symptoms can be confusing and leaving you feeling overwhelmed. I know because I was once there. Smart, educated women feeling stranded by our healthcare system.

At The Morning Pause, Courtney Wagner, Certified Health Coach, offers tailored health coaching with support and guidance to help you manage all of those not so fun surprises that hormonal changes bring. With our personalized coaching sessions, you’ll be feeling well again with a clear roadmap on how to manage your symptoms and get the resources you need to feel empowered to take control of your health. Menopause is not about losing your youth but gaining wisdom and embracing the beauty in aging.